Intermittent Fasting

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Study indicates intermittent fasting is as effective as calorie counting for losing weight

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Creating a comprehensive list of alkaline producing foods will help you make the most of the pH miracle diet. Alkalizing foods have a tonic effect on the body. By neutralizing the acidity in the bloodstream, alkaline foods act as a breath of fresh air to the system regenerating and restoring damaged cells. The term insulin dependent was created in the 1950s to create the impression that muscle and fat require insulin to take up glucose (the sugars created by eating high carbohydrate and sugary foods). However, current studies show that many different things in the body transport glucose. Cells require glucose for their cell respiration process. The most difficult part of eliminating it from your diet will be opening your eyes to the wide variety of new foods that can replace meat. When you follow the pH miracle diet, you ll notice that Dr. Young recommends a balance of 70% alkaline foods and 30% acid foods. This means that there is some leeway for eating foods on the acidic list. Under the influence of acidic foods the muscles fatigue easily. You literally slow down because your body cannot produce the same physical results as before. The free radical oxidation that occurs when you eat acidic foods makes you age faster. Vitamins and minerals are not absorbed as readily. Friendly bacteria in the small intestine die, which puts the digestive system off balance. There is an endless supply of alkalizing recipes in the pH miracle diet books and online. You will never be out of meal ideas if you take the time to look for new recipes each week. Although at first the meals and methods may be unfamiliar, they will become second nature with practice. Many people who start out on the pH miracle diet way of eating do not know where to start. Ionized alkaline water can be created in your very own home with the use of a water ionizer. The water ionizer will take the water from your kitchen faucet and pass it through an advanced filter that will remove pesticides, chlorine and other contaminants. The water will then be pulls through an ionization chamber. 

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