Intermittent Fasting

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The answer is quite shocking, it stores it in your body! The cells in your body are mostly alkaline and this acid waste starts to attack and destroy these cells. A lot of energy is expelled keeping the waste from doing detrimental damage to your body, but this fight can only go on for so long. Eventually the build up is so great that the cells deteriorate and cause energy depletion and leaves the body open to disease. Tofu, which has long been a mainstay of vegetarian diets, is a major part of the pH miracle diet. If you have a diet that consists mainly of processed foods and very few vegetables, you will definitely benefit from this diet. A diet that consists of manufactured food has very little natural nutrients. The choices you make in what you eat will greatly determine how much of acidic waste gets stored in your body. The more alkaline your food choices are the less of this waste will be accumulated in your body, tipping the balance in the favor of good health. The old adage you are what you eat is absolutely true. Overweight conditions result from too much acid in the body. Eliminating acid from the diet with the pH miracle diet will help you lose weight. The accumulation of fat is actually the body s attempt to deal with the high levels of acid waste. Many people think that fat is bad and that fat is the enemy that needs to be attacked. The proponents of the pH Miracle diet say that all of these acidic foods actually disrupt the body s use of alkaline minerals. These minerals include sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which make people prone to chronic diseases. This is the real crux of the importance of the pH diet. The nutrition and health community has come to realize that what a person puts into their body has a profound effect on their overall health. So an external treatment does not change a food from acid to alkaline. Foods are acid or alkaline at their base, or foundation. Acid and alkaline are chemical opposites. Whenever these bases interact with acids, there is a struggle between them and salt is the result. In the chemist s lab, these interactions are very simple and straightforward. 

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