Intermittent Fasting

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By lowering destructive acid levels with more alkaline a host of benefits can result, namely sustainable energy and good health. By following a simple regimen of balanced eating along with testing saliva for pH levels, one can achieve better health. The primary proponent of this alkaline diet is a man by the name of Dr. Health experts have noticed that popular diets seem to go in waves. While the 90s were marked by the low-fat diet craze, the last six to seven years have been focused on low-carbohydrate diets like Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Protein Power and Sugarbusters. As people become frustrated with each type of diet, they look for something new to try. Critics say that this diet, particularly with its omission of dairy products (a vegetarian protein source), is dangerously low in protein. However, this criticism comes from the common misconception that humans need massive amounts of protein. The recent popularity of low-carb diets (which are really just high-protein diets) has re-cemented this myth in the mind of many people. The pH miracle diet addresses the missing ingredient in today s diet that is causing people to gain weight even when they think they are eating healthfully. Conventional diets disregard the body s natural pH. They encourage eating a variety of foods that are acidic to the body. Low-fat diets fail because they often substitute sugar for fat. In fact, even on strict versions of the pH miracle diet a balance between acid and alkaline is recommended. So when you make your menu and your grocery lists, keep that in mind. Foods that are slightly and moderately acidic include bananas, whole grain pasta, dried beans, eggs, milk, nuts and wheat bread. These conditions are determined at the foundation of the cells that the foods are made up of. So an external treatment does not change a food from acid to alkaline. Foods are acid or alkaline at their base, or foundation. Acid and alkaline are chemical opposites. Whenever these bases interact with acids, there is a struggle between them and salt is the result. 

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