Intermittent Fasting

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Is Intermittent Fasting Good? | Dr V Mohan

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Alkaline waits in the intestinal tract for this newly energized material still hot with acidity and neutralizes it as the material is metabolized, absorbed and sent into the bloodstream. By keeping this harmonious partnership in synch you assure that your body s pH levels stay within the optimum range. In 2003, the Harvard School of Public Health released an alternative pyramid to the FDA recommendations based on imbalances that the members saw in the original pyramid. Although it did not mention acid and alkaline foods specifically, the pyramid shows a tendency toward alkaline foods. One of the most striking differences between the FDA pyramid and the Harvard pyramid is the inclusion of a dairy serving or calcium supplement 1 time daily. If you are the type of person who cannot get moving without your morning cup of coffee, give green drinks a try for a week and feel the difference. Green drinks also help the immune system and can reduce the amounts of yeasts and toxins in the body. You can feel the effects of the pH miracle diet instantly when you use green drinks. Preventable death and the pH miracle diet The Center of Disease Control and Prevention evaluates several health factors when it compiles its list of preventable causes of death. Among the expected conditions on the list were death from tobacco, death from alcohol consumption and death from drugs. However, surprisingly, poor diet and lack of physical activity is actually the number 2 cause of preventable death in the U. People who have started the diet report that they experience weight loss, improvement in arthritis, removal of concentration problems and more energy as well as many other benefits. The key to the pH miracle diet is eating primarily alkaline foods, however, drinking alkaline water is also important. Alkaline or ionized water provides your body with the right pH it needs for your cells to function. These highly refined sweeteners leave a bitter taste in the mouths of those who are starting out on the pH diet due to their universal acceptance as a necessary evil With sugar s radical effect on insulin levels, the body has no fighting chance against the damage. When insulin levels drop; so do the release of growth hormone. 

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