Intermittent Fasting

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Doctor explains INTERMITTENT FASTING for weight loss + METHODS and 10 FOODS TO EAT AND AVOID!

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When acid is introduced into the bloodstream it eats away at the negative charge that surrounds each red blood cell and causes all sorts of problems. How can you avoid this? The answer is quite simple and it starts with what you put in your stomach. Red blood cells are created by the food that you eat. In the United States, we have a diet that produces high levels of acid at the intracellular level. This is called acidosis, and it is a major underlying cause to many diseases. It also allows parasites to run rampant through your body. If you want to maintain health, you ll need to restore balance to your body with an alkalizing diet. The focus on thinness in our society has equated this word with shedding a few pounds. However, diet really means any food or drinks you put into your body. The diet that you consume has a profound impact on your overall health. The pH miracle diet is not just a diet for weight loss. In fact, the first volume of this popular series was dedicated to health in general. Young, is actually an acidic liquid that spills into the cells, tissues and organs. It is not a mutation of the cells. No condition happens without a cause. There are clear and direct causes for cancer, and as the pH miracle diet books show, the cause for cancer lies in over acidity. Diseases like cancer are due to systemic acidosis, which is extremely low pH (below 7.4). Meir Stampfer, a professor in the departments of Epidemiology and Nutrition and the Chair of the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, points out in an explanation of the Harvard pyramid that Americans should be eating less dairy products. The body needs calcium, but not at the levels present in the two to three servings recommended by the FDA. Your body eliminates this waste through your urine and sweat, but there comes a point when the waste build up is too great to eliminate. What does your body do with all of the acidic waste it can t get rid off? The answer is quite shocking, it stores it in your body! The cells in your body are mostly alkaline and this acid waste starts to attack and destroy these cells. 

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