Intermittent Fasting

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The 'Most Effective' Method Of Intermittent Fasting

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The average American consumes 2 to 3 pounds of sugar each week, that translates to over 135 pounds of sugar per person per year. This alarming number is attributed to the wide popularity of sugar as an additive. Sugar is in everything, hiding in various forms. Sucrose, dextrose, and high fructose corn syrups are active ingredient in all processed food and condiments. The proper alkalizing vegetables in the pH miracle diet will support the liver and help restore it to its natural functioning. If the liver is helped by a cleansing diet, then the whole body will be helped. Once the liver is functioning at proper performance it can begin to do its job of eliminating waste. In this chamber, the pre-filtered water is run over positive and negative electrodes to split it into acid and alkaline water. Alkaline water is better tasting and has antioxidant activity. It improves your body s ability to detoxify itself and increases the oxygen delivered to your cells. The minerals within the water are microclustered for better hydration. Fruits that have an alkalizing effect are: apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, blackberries, cantaloupe, cherries, coconut, currants, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, honeydew, lemons, limes, muskmelons, nectarines, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapple, raisins, raspberries, rhubarb, strawberries, tangerines, tomatoes, tropical fruits, and watermelon. There is a prevailing belief in out society that consuming a lot of protein encourages health and especially physical fitness. Men especially are expected to eat massive quantities of meat in order to have strength and vitality. This myth has prevailed as far back in history as many can remember. In the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists began to believe that consuming meat equaled physical strength, especially in the world of sports. Aging occurs because of the build up of acidic elements in the body. Healthy cells naturally have a slightly alkaline pH level, and since acid and alkaline are chemical opposites, high acid levels destroy cells. In order to stop aging and reverse the affects of acidic damage on the cells, you must start alkalizing your diet according to the principles set out in the pH miracle diet. 

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