Intermittent Fasting

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Terry Crews on intermittent fasting

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Over time, everything we consume either keeps our bodies in an acidic state or a base state (alkaline). Processed sugars and starches, which are both a major mainstay of the Western diet, are some of the prime offenders in the acidification process. Natural sugar sources have minerals and vitamins within them. Young heralds that a diet that is made up of 80% alkaline producing foods and 20% acid producing foods will allow people to achieve their healthier bodies and healthier lives. Through his research Dr. Young has surmised that the optimum pH level of the human body is 7.35. The pH spectrum is from 1 to 14 with 1 being highly acid and 14 being highly alkaline. These growth hormones depress the immune system that leaves the body open to a host of diseases and maladies. Insulin also inhibits the body s ability to fight off weight gain and elevated triglyceride levels. Put quite simply, the higher in simple sugars a food is, the more likely it will promote fat storage in the body. This is a good approach if you have a lot of money to spend and just want to fill your kitchen with these foods. However, a better and more organized approach is to first make out a menu list for the following week. When you shop from a planned menu and the recipes that go with those meal choices, you ll only buy what you need. The diet is made of mostly raw foods, simple proteins (beans and legumes), alternative whole grains and plenty of fresh and pure water. Cleansing diets include, at minimum, five servings of vegetables per day. In most cases, people eat twice that when they are on the pH miracle diet. This is accomplished with the use of fresh vegetable juices. Stress is an acid-producing killer. There are many techniques in addition to diet that can help in your quest for a balanced pH level. Getting the adequate rest is always the best way to achieve stress relief, as well as meditation which can be two to three times more restful and rejuvenating than actual sleep. 

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