Intermittent Fasting

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Take Control of Your Health: 6 Intermittent Fasting Tips From Holistic Doctor | Mel Robbins Podcast

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Green drinks are made from grasses, sprouted grains and other green vegetables. These will help your body become more alkaline and they have the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your body needs to repair itself. There are many different green drinks available on the market. Most come in powder form and each day you mix a few spoonfuls with water. The pH miracle diet is not just a diet for weight loss. In fact, the first volume of this popular series was dedicated to health in general. The original pH miracle diet book focuses on many issues, including aging. What does aging have to do with pH and acid/alkaline foods? Some experts contend that the reason we age has to do entirely with the amount of acidic foods that we eat. Many people who start out on the pH miracle diet way of eating do not know where to start. Their diets used to consist primarily of packaged foods, meats and other acid forming choices. While its okay to eat these foods occasionally, the vast majority of their recipes and meal choices are now a thing of the past. Non-food related behaviors also increase the level of acidity in the body. If you don t exercise regularly you are allow acids to build up in your tissues. These acids increase your fat production and cause lethargy. The solution for the acidic waste and the cure for the second most prevalent preventable disease both lay in some simple steps. On the other hand, alkaline foods have a wide variety of benefits to your health. Eating them improves your muscle output. They also have antioxidant effects in the body. They increase assimilation at the cellular level and allow cells to operate in the manner that they should. There is a reduction of parasites and yeast overgrowth with the use of alkaline foods. An alkaline lifestyle that focuses on an alkaline diet and other calming behaviors will be much less likely to produce cancer, if it does at all. An acidic lifestyle and diet will be full of the pains of the build up of metabolic acid which can, in extremes, lead to cancer. That is exciting news because it means that cancer is preventable and treatable. 

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